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Maj Soueidan

Maj Soueidan, Co-Founder of GeoInvesting LLC, has decades of experience in identifying undervalued microcap equities. GeoInvesting LLC, founded in 2008, is an investment research boutique focused on finding great investments in the small and microcap companies.

Starting with just $3,000 during college, Maj quickly turned that initial money into his first $1 million by the age of 27. He has been able to help hundreds of investors gain Alpha by managing risk, reducing the potential investment space to a manageable level and sharing his research on under-followed stocks that have yet to be found by the broader market. Maj has been recognized for his successful application of information arbitrage in microcap stocks. An information arbitrage exists when a disconnect between stock prices and available public information on a company is noticeable, and monetarily worth pursuing. Maj has made it a focus to discover these information arbitrage opportunities through in depth research.